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quick stop: The Traveling Circus

(The DiFranco Troupe)

Yes, this IS a RIGHTEOUS site!

Last Update

A Family to Call Her Own

That's right. The rest of the crew's spot on the web. So you all have been asking for a page on Heidi or a page on Jason. So here it is.. for the RBR crew to laugh at and for all you to enjoy and maybe learn a bit about some pretty cool people just like you..well, kinda..well..maybe...
Who's that person i saw....
So who's that good looking friendly face selling merchandise?..the one and only Heidi-Ho!

That's not SARA?!??!
No....that would be mr. jason mercer!!

Who's that new gal i saw....??
the really talented JULIE WOLF!

so where IS sara?
sara leeeeeeee.....hmm....

Other kind people
who's that his real name?..happy stevie...liam?!(;

I Owe My Life To The People That I Love

Those other kids.... mr. andy stochansky
the one and only...

ms. ani difranco
well..she would be the center-piece

The Official Ember SWIFT Fan Base
Message Board
please sign the guestbook
last updated:06/22/98...NEW julie WOLFE info...FROM HER! (: This page is still being updated..just not Ani's!

This Ani DiFranco ring site is owned by
amanda rae.

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